Monday, 27 February 2012


As we are also going to be creating a bag design i thought it would be good to research bags as well for inspiration and ideas.


To begin our 'Coastal' project i have been asked to research Tag, Bookmark and carrier bag design. This is because in Computer art/Graphic design we are working towards our own tags, bookmarks and maybe bags. We will create the designs mainly on the computer however i would also like to make a 3D tag.

During my research of tags i came across these two cute tags/labels. i like them as they are quite simple yet very sweet and elegant. i like the 3D effect with the little flap i think that works really effectively on a tag. I also really like the ribbon and stud, i find this label quite inspiring and might use the ideas of the ribbon and the flap in my own tag.

During further research i came across these two labels which i think were perfect as they are 'coastal' themed and 3D just like what i want to create. i love how the shells have bin stuck on and it seems like the use of maps in the background which i think is a really good idea i am going to take in to account as well. I really like these labels as they are coastal themed which i think was very lucky for me to find. I like them because they have a grey vintage effect and actually remind me of the sea side. I find these labels very inspiring.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Beth Fletcher is on of the artists amongst Kurt Jackson, Alfred wallis and other that I have bin asked to research. I decided to pick Beth Fletcher to talk about on my blog because I didnt really like her work as much as some other people did. In my opinion Beth Fletchers work is very dark and depressing and it seems that her perception of the coast/seaside/sea is a quite dull. The use of her strong and dark colours make the picture seem quite sad and in a way quite scary like there is a storm happening. Most of her paintings and the one shown above in done in paint.
From extra research i went on to website to try and found some background infromation and wondered if her pictures were dull and dark for a certain reason or if that was just the style she liked "These layered, transient, seen and felt moments, when transformed through the painting process, are intended to engender a prolonged engagement with the painting as a mediated experience of landscape. In the studio, rather than directly in front of the landscape, I can paint under the influence of the memory’s interpretation of the living landscape – the ‘soul-yearning’ which is a response to more than what is manifest only to the eye."

Monday, 20 February 2012

This is an image which i scanned into the computer. It is a stuffed lips which i made in textiles. i decided i wanted to put it into my work some how so that i can say i have incorporated other areas of the project ie. textiles in to my CAAD work.

I wanted to do something a bit different and unique, something more abstract a little bit like Picasso. I decided to cut around the lips using the lasso tool to remove the white background/excess fabric surrounding the lips. I then put the cut out lips over the top of my own lips in a scanned in photograph of myself.

I think it looks quite effective and i do like the kind of abstract and unique effect of it. i tried doing further research of artists that have done something like this i couldnt find anyone easily. Although i liked my idea i dont think it looks very professional and think it could of done with some further editing.

Monday, 6 February 2012


After deciding the old picture didnt look very professional i decided to work into it more because i really like the leopard print feature. Therefore i decided to blur around the edges by just using the 'blur' tool which i thought then made the image look more professional and effective. I then decided to bring some of my features out my lips and eyes ect.

I used the burn tool to go around my eyes and darken around them as they had became a bit faded, i think this worked really well and was very easy to use.

Then for my lips i used the lasso tool to go around my lips then filled them with a colour


This piece of work was firstly done because I was inspired by the Andy Warhol self portrait 1986, I then decided to create my own image inspired by it.  I thought of something i could layer over my face and then thought of how i love leopard print and thought it would be a great print to use seen as the theme of the work is self and identity. I also thought it would look really effective and work well. I found a good image of myself which was in black and white so therefore then made the leopard print black and white. I lowed the opacity of the leopard print image and copied and pasted it over my face and was playing around with different things to see what looked best i kept it as normal but lowered the opacity to around 52% so that you can still see the features of my face. I also cut around my face and added a black background, i dont think it looks very proffessional because of the sharp lines around my face and also some of my features look a bit weak.