Sunday, 20 November 2011

I visited the Corner house gallery in Manchester to view a exhibition on digital space featuring work by an artist called Rashid rana.

Although i had never heard of Rana he is a very well known, popular and successful contempory artists of this young generation. His work is mainly media created and a visual commentry of society and political views.

This is the first piece of Ranas art work which caught my eye, although i dont personally like it myself however i do find it quite interesting and bold. I think his art work is quite hard to understand for someone who doesnt know what his work is about and what inspires him.

I thought the work at the exhibition was very interesting, however i didnt really understand what is was about. It didnt comunicate very well with me and i found it quite boring. I thought the work lacked in creativeness however everyones perceptions of art and design work is different. Some of the work i prefered and favourited to others however none seemed to amaze me.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Manchester society of architecture - final poster

This is an image of my final poster for the Manchester Society Of Architecture task.